5 Online CAMPUS CMS-138 JOURNALISM FORUM The following data libraries in this forum contain specific information about career development and job hunting: DL 2 - Stringers' File DL 3 - The Jobs File DL 4 - Journalism Tools DL 11 - Ethics DL 12 - Student/Novice Other data libraries may be useful- see the main data library menu for details. Press for more ! Online CAMPUS JFORUM One moment please... Welcome to Journalism Forum, V. 4C(232) Hello, JOHN EDWARDS Last visit: 30-Dec-87 14:04:33 Forum messages: 33295 to 34948 Last message you've read: 0 Subtopic(s) Selected: All Accessible No members are in conference. Short bulletin: ************************************** WELCOME TO JFORUM - THE JOURNALISM FORUM ************************************** CAMPAIGN 88 - TUESDAY CONFERENCES: Tuesday (1/19) we'll examine the unique aspects of the 1988 Election: open primaries and delegate selection... open Presidential & Federal Matching Funds... and the really super Super Tues. Primaries. Join us each Tuesday at 8:30pm EST for our weekly CO. And check DL13 for the transcripts of CO's you miss. Your moderator is Asst. Sysop Dave Cohen. For more information on CompuServe's coverage of Campaign '88 just GO USA. ATTN. DESKTOP PUBLISHERS: Please read message # 34827 and reply a.s.a.p. LIKE TO BE ON OUR MAILING LIST? If you haven't done so already, just leave a note to *Sysop with your USPS mailing address. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Jim Cameron Founder / *Sysop 76703,3010 Dan Hamilton Asst. Sysop 76701,13 Tony Russomanno Asst. Sysop 76703,4164 Dave Cohen Asst. Sysop 76657,103 Scott Henry DL15 Sysop (NPPA) 74166,526 Howard Finberg DL16 Sysop (SND) 71246,1051 Press : Journalism Forum FUNCTIONS 1 (L) Leave a Message 2 (R) Read Messages 3 (CO) Conference Mode 4 (DL) Data Libraries 5 (B) Bulletins 6 (MD) Member Directory 7 (OP) User Options 8 (IN) Instructions Enter choice !L To: ALL Subject: SUBJECTS Enter /EX to exit EDIT [ New message ready ] HELLO, I'M JUST AN INTERESTED OBSERVER. Suppose I were a writer. What do people want to read about? Furthermore. Suppose some of you readers are writers. What services might someone offer you that you would be interested in? What could you do with an IDEA? /ex LEAVE ACTIONS 1 (S) Store the Message 2 (SU) Store Unformatted 3 (MA) Mail via Easyplex 4 (MU) Mail Unformatted 5 (C) Continue Entering Text 6 (A) Abort the Leave Function Enter choice !s SUBTOPIC # REQUIRED 0 General Information 1 The Experts Index 2 Stringers' File 3 The Jobs File 4 Journalism Tools 5 Commentary 6 Radio 7 Television 8 Print 9 Photo - Video 11 Ethics 12 Student / Novice 13 Elections '88 14 Features 16 Soc. Newsp. Design 17 DeskTop Publishing Enter choice : 5 Message # 34949 Stored Journalism Forum FUNCTIONS 1 (L) Leave a Message 2 (R) Read Messages 3 (CO) Conference Mode 4 (DL) Data Libraries 5 (B) Bulletins 6 (MD) Member Directory 7 (OP) User Options 8 (IN) Instructions Enter choice !GO BILLING Exiting at 15-Jan-88 03:54:57 Last message in forum: 34949 Last message you've read: 0 Thank you for visiting Journalism Forum One moment please... One moment please... CompuServe BILLING BILLING INFORMATION 1 Current Rates 2 Reviewing Your Charges 3 Billing Options Explained 4 Changing Your Billing Address 5 Changing/Renewing Your Billing Option/Information 6 Order Executive Option 7 General Billing Information Enter choice !2 CompuServe CHARGES 1 Explanation 2 Account Balance 3 Billing History USAGE DETAILS 4 Current activity 5 Previous activity 6 Mail Hardcopy ($) Enter Choice !2 CompuServe CHARGES Searching Billing Files ... CompuServe CHARGES ACCOUNT BALANCE Balance as of 12/26/87 $.00 Activity since 12/26/87: Payments -.00 Charges $1.11 Credits -.00 Adjustments .00 -------- Balance as of 1/12/88 $1.11 ======== Last page !OFF Thank you for using CompuServe! Off at 03:56 PST 15-Jan-88 Connect time = 0:23 ^D Host Name: +++ OK ATH DISCONNECT OK AT*T Hanging up...